Give, Gain, Grow - News & Events Page
We have re-branded, simply as: Give, Gain, Grow
To better reflect the main purpose of our group - 'a friendly, lively and passionate group of volunteers with the joint main objective to help grow good quality food at our allotment and giving this back to the local community.' Because of this, we WERE Gosport Community Gardeners, but we are NOW Give, Gain, Grow - Growing Good Food in the community for Gosport.
We hope you will agree our new logo better represents this change.. shown to the right. Remember, from now on we will simply be: Give, Gain, Grow (formerly known as Gosport Community Gardeners). |
Winter Update from Plot 10a... February 2024
Winter on our allotment means sowing new seeds in the polytunnel, tidying up the beds in the main section - all ready to start growing for the new season come the Spring time.
Here are some photos just to keep you updated... |
November 2023 - A *BIG* warm heart-felt Thank you to Co-op Members and the Co-op Community Fund
We are delighted to share with you the fantastic news of the funds raised and a huge *THANK YOU* to all of you lovely Co-op Members out there in the Gosport area who helped us raise money and support us by choosing us as your local good cause, as part of the Co-op Foundation for Community Groups.
To the right is a photo of our representative receiving the cheque. For further information and to select us as your choice of local good cause with the Co-op Community Fund, please see our page here: |
Late Autumn Update - Mid-November 2023
Late Autumn on the allotment - despite the very rainy weather on Tuesday 14th November, members of our group and those also from Gosport Allotment Holders and Gardeners Association & Bridgemary Library Gosport, managed to get to the allotment and pick some veg for Fresh Friday. We also did some general gardening, along with enjoying some freshly made soup by Sarah!
Summer 2023 - June update: Growing Sessions - Harvesting Veg
We are delighted to see that members from our earlier Growing course are carrying on with their growing veg journey with us - the last Tuesday in June, where they also helped out clearing one of the flower beds.
They collected a large pot of potatoes which they took home for tea. From the allotment, to the plate. Exactly the positive results what we wanted to achieve with this course!
> Here are some photos...
They collected a large pot of potatoes which they took home for tea. From the allotment, to the plate. Exactly the positive results what we wanted to achieve with this course!
> Here are some photos...
Spring 2023 - April update on our recent Introduction to Growing sessions
Following on from our Growing Course sessions over the past month (March), Volunteer Co-ordinator, Graeme has been very busy keeping these plants safe in the polytunnel.
The results have been a great success and we wanted to share these photos of the growing courgettes tomatoes and chillis Thanks to everyone who took part in these sessions and a big thank you to Graeme for all your efforts.. We are hoping to continue group sessions in the very near future. |
We are proud to be a featured community project on the Co-op Community Pages - December 2022
Gosport Community Gardeners are a featured group on the Co-op Foundation for Community Groups online portal here: Clcik on the link above or the picture here to find out about how you could support us through volunteering with the group on this page. If you are a Co-op member, please use your token to vote for us in-store! |
Our brand new Polytunnel arrives... November 2022
We are excited to announe the arrival and installation of our new Polytunnel! It replaces an old one which had seen better days, but rest assured this has gone to a loving new home, donated to a local good cause who were looking to develop their own garden space.
Our new polytunnel means we can accomodate more growing space for new volunteers to enjoy in the new year. Here are some photos... (click on any thumbnail to see larger image.) |
Growing in Gosport - Open Day, Saturday 13th August 2022
Growing in Gosport Open Day will take place on Saturday 13th August 10am - 1pm at Brockhust Allotments, Military Road, Gosport.
To coincide with National Allotments Week, Growing in Gosport are throwing open the gates to invite you all to come and see what the Apprentice Allotmenteers have achieved this year. So, if you are curious about the benefits of growing your own food, come down and meet our Allotmenteers and learn about this local scheme. #GrowingInGosport #Allotments #NationalAllotmentWeek |
National Allotment Week, 8th - 14th August 2022 - A National Allotment Society initiative
This year's NationalAllotmentWeek 2022 takes place from 8th - 14th August.
The theme set out for this year by National Allotment Society is all about Bugs, Bees and Brocoli... they are encouraging allotment holders across the country to do bug surveys to find out what creepy crawlies are lurking in the undergrowth. Bugs form part of a complex eco-system in allotments including the plants, multiple micro-organisms, fungi, insects and animals that support polination and offer a refuge for wildlife. Highlighting the importance of nature and gardening everywhere! You can find out more about National Allotment Week 2022, including the link to download the survey here: #Gardening #nature #NationalAllotmentWeek #bugs #microorganisms #insects #wildlife #ecosystems |
June 2022 - Allotment volunteer brings in his first harvest...
We are delighted to share one of our own volunteer's positive experiences with us since he began working on our allotment in late May...
Naval Marine Engineer and newcomer community gardener, Ratu has been growing vegetables at the plot. Ratu wanted to contribute something back to the community when he was on shore leave. In his own words: “Its been very fullfilling harvesting and sharing. Along the way, I have met fellow gardeners too, friendly indeed. So I thought to share some pics of my first harvest.” Ratu has been a great help on the allotment and it's great that he is getting so much out of it. Our thanks to Ratu for his help and for this lovely testimonial on his first harvest. |
May 22 - Climate Café #Plant and Share event at Privett Pavilion, Gosport - Friday 20th May 2022
Here are some photos from the Gosport Climate Cafe Plant and Share event earlier today with our very own Chair, Catt and Volunteer Co-ordinator, Graeme on the plant stall...
Not the best weather but still had a good turnout and raised some much needed funds for the group... <3 |
May 22 - A Fantastic up-cycled Wreath kindly donated by Sparkle Wreaths & Decor to Gosport Community Gardeners
We have just had this superb fantastic all Gardening-related Wreath made for us by the lovely Sam at Sparkle Wreaths & Decor - thank you so much!!
It is a completely hand made and upcycled and repurposed garden hose making the centre of the wreath and we now have it hanging in pride of place on our Allotment shed door, and we think looks really great. -- Click on any thumbnail to see a larger image. |
March 2022 - Spring is on its way... New photos from the allotment
Spring is on its way... some great new photos from our plot at Gosport Community Gardeners allotment - and a big thank you to our Head Gardener, Rachel Smithers for all of these fantastic photos! 🌱 🌿 🙏
... our animal friend, Mrs Fox is back too! 😅 🦊 -- Click on any thumbnail to see a larger image. |
Gosport Allotment Association - Growing in Gosport Scheme re-starts 2022
The Allotment Association have a new project re-starting that teaches people how to grow their own vegetables and has now launched again on Saturday mornings, 10am to 12pm at Brockhurrst Allotments in 2022.
People who sign up will turn up at Brockhurst Allotment site on a Saturday morning where Jim More, Growing In Gosport Lead will demonstrate digging, sowing, planting, feeding etc. to which everyone gets to take part and best of all they get to eat what they grow. Please note - this project is only based at the Brockhurst Allotments, at least for to start with anyway... There is a cost for season-long training, which is £25 per person. There are further details on the poster opposite and on the Gosport Allotments website: #GrowingInGosport |
Winter 2021 update on the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic and how this affects us...
Because of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, our main priority as a community focused group is to ensure the safety and and well-being of all of our volunteers and to also keep you up to date here with any new developments as circumstances change.
At this time with an increase of Covid-19 cases because of the Omicron variant, the allotment plot will be closed for rgular group sessions. Only some restricted, pre-arranged visits are still going ahead but with sensible safety precautions in place (i.e. all volunteers to use the hand sanitizer on-site and to also maintain a sensible distance from one another). We really do hope to re-introduce our weekly group sessions again, as soon as it will be safe to do so. Remember these three simple actions which are recommended to help keep you, and everyone else safe and to protect one another, whether in an outdoors or indoors space:
Give Gain Grow Committee members have continued to meet safely by having regular meetings on the Zoom and Google Meet video platform. For the latest updates and guidance about Coronavirus restrictions and information, visit: - About the Covid-19 NHS App: This is a useful resource for any smart phone users, Android or iOS. The app can help protect you and your loved ones, using your phone's built-in Bluetooth technology to see if you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for Coronavirus. Full information can be found here: To download this app for your device, follow the links below:
Covid-19 - Trust only official sources for information... We urge you to only trust information from the following official sources to avoid any misleading or incorrect information as there can be a lot of mis-information going around, especially on social media platforms. - Official trusted websites are as follows:
- Other Coronavirus resources: Official UK Government advice: How to stay safe as a volunteer: |
Allotment Groups to re-start late Summer 2021 - but only for pre-arranged, smaller size groups following easing of Covid-19 restrictions...
We have missed you! But, we are delighted to be able to say... we're back! (well, sort of...)
Yes you heard correctly - in line with easing of restrictions, we have re-opened the allotment site for some small pre-arranged group sessions in line with Covid-19 safety guidelines and precautions in place. Please note that our regular weekly group sessions are still currently on hold at this time, but we will keep you updated when these do restart. |
Gosport Community Gardeners: Allotment Site improvements means closure over Winter / Spring 2020...
Gosport Community Gardeners Allotment site will be temporarily closed throughout the Winter 2019 / Spring 2020 - due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the re-opening of the allotment has now been postponed until later in the year or possibly pushed back to Spring 2021.
Exciting new construction work has begun on site with the very generous help of volunteers from the National Grid which will be a complete overhaul of the allotment, introducing some fantastic new features including a new shelter building, new polytunnels, more accessibility for disabled users with a new wheelchair-friendly pathway and easier to reach planting beds for those with physical disabilities. We will re-open the allotment to all volunteers with a grand re-opening possibly later in 2020 or early 2021 - watch this space for further updates... If you want to join the Gosport Community Gardeners group as a new member or for other enquiries, please phone 07426 494118 or e-mail: [email protected] for more information. |
~ Below is an archive of previous Action Calendars for Mindfulness 2020 / 2019 from previous months (dating back to May 2019, with newest shown first) can be found here:
Click on any thumbnail below for a larger image:
IMPORTANT: New Contact Phone Number for Give Gain Grow Community Group
From 19th September 2019, the new phone number for Give Gain Grow is: 07426 494118 - please take note of this new number as this is what will be using from now on.
Saturday 8th June 2019 - Gosport Community Gardeners Plants raise funds for the group
Gosport Community Gardeners group would like to thank members, Rachel and Laura who did a plant sale at St. Mary's Church, Rowner earlier today and were able to raise a fabulous £81.61 towards funding the group.. Well done indeed!
Monday 27th May 2019 - Our Spring Community Allotment Open Day was a blooming success...
We had a great day for the Gosport Community Gardeners' Spring Community Allotment Open Day and we were so proud of how the allotment was looking today thanks to all the volunteers' continuous hard work - it just wouldn't happen without you!
Members of the group met with the general public and showed them our community allotment plot at Rowner Allotments on Monday 27th May 2019.
We managed to raise £89 from generous donations which will help our funds towards paying for the shed repairs following a recent break-in at the allotments.
Members of the group met with the general public and showed them our community allotment plot at Rowner Allotments on Monday 27th May 2019.
We managed to raise £89 from generous donations which will help our funds towards paying for the shed repairs following a recent break-in at the allotments.
Here are some photos from the Gosport Wild Gardeners Open Day...
Click on any thumbnail for a larger image:
Click on any thumbnail for a larger image:
Upcoming Talking Heads Meeting Dates - June to August 2019
The next meeting dates for Talking Heads Social Group are as follows:
Venue: Caffé Lee, Pier Street, Lee-on-the-Solent, from 2pm
Venue: Gosport Discovery Centre, Gosport High Street, from 2pm
News Update April 2019: National Grid Ventures Supporting Give Gain Grow's Talking Heads Group

The group have been very lucky to have the support of The National Grid in combatting loneliness in Gosport.
If you are unable to access public transport either through limited mobility or disability issues and you would benefit from attending our Talking Heads group, then please contact us to arrange transport for you. Talking Heads meet at Caffé Lee and Gosport Discovery Centre - please check our website and Facebook page for times and dates each month.
It helps if we have as much notice as possible if you need a lift, so don’t delay and call us on 07426 494118.
For further details and registered information on the UK operating companies within the National Grid group please visit
If you are unable to access public transport either through limited mobility or disability issues and you would benefit from attending our Talking Heads group, then please contact us to arrange transport for you. Talking Heads meet at Caffé Lee and Gosport Discovery Centre - please check our website and Facebook page for times and dates each month.
It helps if we have as much notice as possible if you need a lift, so don’t delay and call us on 07426 494118.
For further details and registered information on the UK operating companies within the National Grid group please visit
Wear a Hat Day - Friday 29th March 2019 - Fundraiser for Brain Tumour Research
Give Gain Grow volunteers and the Gosportarians, along with Gosport Mayor - Diane Furlong were all out and about today helping to raise money for Brain Tumour Research charity, celebrating National Wear A Hat Day in Gosport High Street. The weather was fanastic and the people of Gosport were very generous in their donations and we are pleased to announce we raised over £100 for the charity.
#WearAHatDay #fundraising #gosport |
Click on any thumnail to see a larger image:
Friday 29th March 2019 - A Fond Farewell to volunteer and Chair of Give Gain Grow, Chris Fernie...
It would be fair to say that Chris Fernie, GGG Chair up until the end of March 2019, devoted a great deal of time and effort in her role with Give Gain Grow. We thank her for all her hard work over the past few years and all the volunteering hours she put in at the allotment with Gosport Community Gardeners Group. The group surprised her today with a photo cake, signed card and a present today at Gosport Discovery Centre to wish her well on her future adventures and hope she enjoys a well earned retirement - all of the team and members of Give Gain Grow will miss you - but you made such a positive impact on the group and this will always be so valued.
So here's to Chris and as she says in her own words: "Never be afraid to follow your dreams..." Thank you Chris for being a wonderful volunteer Chair with the group. --> Do you want to make a positive difference to the lives of people in the local community of Gosport? <-- Passionate about helping adults with mild learning difficulties or mental health issues? YOU could be the new Chair for Give Gain Grow Community Group - The role of Chair is now vacant - Please Click here to find out more and get in touch with us if you think you could take on this rewarding role. |