Karen - Acting ChairKaren joined Give Gain Grow as Vice Chair and is presently leading the group, with appointment of a new Chair in the very near future. She is responsible for updating our Safeguarding policy and making grant applications for the group. Karen's previous work included the NHS and she was also a Community Helper volunteer in the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020.
Ian West - TreasurerIan has been with the group for a long time now and is responsible for all things financial, receipts and the group's insurance cover, he is our much valued Treasurer of the group.
Anna Bradbury - Secretary
James Musselwhite -
(Vacant Position) - Gosport Community Gardeners Session Group Leader
| Give, Gain, Grow
All information on this website is (C) Give, Gain, Grow Gosport Community Group, 2019 - 2024. Website powered by Weebly (a Squarespace Company), created and maintained on behalf of Give, Gain ,Grow by James Musselwhite, last updated: 10th-Sep-24.